About Us

Success often creates unique opportunities.

It can also create unique challenges and issues.

InvestLinc Wealth Services provides unique wealth solutions — comprehensive Wealth Planning and sophisticated Wealth Integration to fully blend all aspects of your Wealth Philosophy and tax-efficient Wealth Management. We don’t just plan and advise, leaving you to execute our planning; we implement and monitor.

We are committed to you and to maintaining high standards of professional and ethical conduct. We form long-term, devoted relationships with our clients and their families. We want you to count on us to be there for you.

InvestLinc Wealth Services. We understand wealth. We provide unique solutions. Our goal is to give your wealth the respect and attention it deserves. We collaborate with a wide array of professionals, including attorneys and CPAs, to preserve and support the client’s existing network of advisors.

A Philosophy of Service

Our people are the cornerstone of our service philosophy. Our character and passion for developing a legacy partnership with our clients has been developed and refined over our sixty-year history of serving our clients. Partners of the Firm have worked together for more than 30 years and have combined business experience well over 100 years. Our greatest asset is our people who hold themselves to the highest standards. Our partnership with each other is one of trust, integrity, work ethic, and loyalty that come together to create a successful environment. We create a legacy for each client and work across many generations of families. We make a difference by creating a personalized approach based on your values and aspirations. We share a core value about integrity and create a legacy for multiple generations based on:

  • Transparency
  • Excellence
  • Character of our people
  • Legacy partner
  • High regard for values
  • History / tradition / vision
  • Standard of fiduciary due care